
By law, all state (not private) schools must have a behaviour policy in place that includes measures to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.

This policy is decided by the school. All teachers, pupils and parents must be told what it is.

Anti-discrimination law

Schools must also follow anti-discrimination law. This means staff must act to prevent discrimination, harassment and victimisation within the school, and applies to all schools in England.

Further information regarding the law can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/bullying-at-school 

Where to get help and advice

There are lots of organisations that provide support and advice if you’re worried about bullying:

  • Anti-Bullying Alliance
  • Bullying UK
  • Childline
  • The Diana Award
  • Internet Matters
  • Kidscape
  • The UK Safer Internet Centre
  • UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)
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