Preparing for Adulthood

Youtube link – Preparing For Adulthood Outcomes – YouTube

As a young person (or parent/guardian) of a young person, you might start to wonder what is next and where do you go to find the answers for the point of leaving school and moving on to adulthood.

This section provides you with that guidance and information.

Preparing for Adulthood | PfA | Home Page

Education – Year 9 review

Health –

Social Care – Adult social care – Sunderland City Council

Housing –

Post 16 Options:


A college offers a range of academic, vocational, technical, and professional courses. Further Education colleges offer courses at every level from entry level courses that do not require GCSE grades at entry through to higher level qualifications and degree courses. You can attend a college from 16 years old, although most students are aged between 16 and 18 years old. Some colleges are very large, with several sites or campuses and some are specialist such as those offering agricultural or marine courses.

Sixth Form

A sixth form refers to school years 12 and 13. Many schools offer a sixth form but there are also sixth form colleges. Sixth forms offer courses which are designed to follow on from your GCSE’s.


An apprenticeship is a job where you can gain hands on experience, a salary, and the chance to train while you work, often time can be split, and you can spend some of your time training at a college or with a training provider.


A traineeship is an education and training programme which incorporates work experience. This prepares young people for their future careers by helping them to become work ready.

A traineeship has three core elements:

  • Work experience placement with an employer.
  • Work preparation training, provided by the training organisation.
  • English and maths support, if required, provided by the training organisation.

Traineeships last anything up to a maximum of 6 months with the content tailored to the needs of the business and the individual.

Employers are not required to pay trainees for the work placement and traineeships are exempt from the Minimum Wage. Young people taking part in traineeships will be undertaking education and training and some may qualify for financial support, including the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

Supported Internships

Supported Internships are a structured study programme which are based primarily at an employer. They allow young people aged between 16-24 with and Education, Health and Care Plan to achieve sustainable paid employment by equipping them with the skills they require for work, via learning in the workplace. Supported Internships are unpaid, and last for a minimum of six months.  Wherever possible, they support a young person to move into paid employment at the end of the programme. Whilst their young people complete a personalised study programme which includes the chance to study for relevant substantial qualifications, if appropriate, and Maths and English.


Volunteering is described as an unpaid activity where

Volunteering is described as an unpaid activity where someone gives their time to help a not-for-profit organisation or an individual who they are not related to. Benefits include making new friends, expanding your network, boosting your social skills and developing new skills.


Employment is a paid work agreement between an employer and an employee. The term employee applies to a person who is hired for a salary or fee to perform work for an employer.

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